Looking For Contact Lenses with Crystal Clear Vision and Amazing Comfort?
Myopia Control: Using Contact Lenses to Reduce Nearsightedness.
Technology has advanced to allow us to correct your vision while you sleep! Nearsighted patients can now greatly reduce or even eliminate their dependence on glasses or soft contact lenses. Ortho-K lenses gently mold the shape of your cornea to reduce nearsightedness.
Scleral Contacts: Correcting Your Vision When Soft Contacts or Glasses Won't.
By utilizing a specialized lens designed called a “scleral lens” we are now able to correct ocular conditions such as keratoconus, corneal transplants, and very high prescriptions. Patients are able to achieve 20/20 vision again and many times these lenses allow better vision than any glasses would.
Multifocal Contacts: Say Goodbye to Reading Glasses and Bifocals!
Have you noticed that you are now unable to read clearly with your glasses? Are you stretching your arms out to be able to read small print. This is a common condition that begins around the age of 40 years.
Multifocal contact lenses can allow you to see comfortably at all ranges. These lenses may take a little time to perfect but will ultimately allow you to be able to be free of reading glasses.
Were you told you couldn't wear contacts?
If you have high astigmatism or keratoconus, you can now be fit with a wide variety of specialty contact lenses and achieve 20/20 vision. New lens designs can give you the clarity that you were never able to attain with regular glasses.
Contact Lenses: In Stock or Shipped Direct.
We carry trials in a variety of lens options and designs. Once your fit is complete, we can help you maximize your benefits and combine manufacturers rebates. We will also ship your annual supply directly to your home free of charge.